The soft drink industry wears many hats. On one occasion
it resembles such offenders as Big Tobacco by its funding of so called independent research groups dedicated to twisting the truth. All this to discredit clinical authoritative findings
that links their sugary, and junk food products to serious health risks.
Their phony front-groups disguised as authority, disingenuously support legitimate health groups and organizations while pretending to be concerned and involved
in safe food and drink products. In reality, they’re products are promoting serious
health risks associated with premature degenerative diseases, and
Soda, a widely consumed beverage of America’s children, is
linked to aggressive, violent, abnormal behavior, and including mood swings.
Adults are also exposed to serious health risks including diabetes, cancer, obesity, etc. Sugar is guilty of promoting an acidic-body-chemistry that increasingly encourages pathogenic
aggression. Cancer and other diseases thrive in an acidic, sugary body-chemistry-environment.
Our nations
schools have been rewarded by manufacturers of processed and junk-food
products, along with their sugary counterparts with kick-backs and other perks
to school districts that promote these poison-food and drink products to our naive and
unsuspecting children.
Parents are encouraged to educate their children on the
dangers of poor food choices, and to teach by example by introducing your
children, and yourselves to better and healthy choices such as organic, and or
locally grown foods from trusted farms in your area. You can encourage
life-long consciousness of good food and eating habits in those you love, and
greatly increase their chances for a long and disease free life.
Almost 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used just on
fields and orchards in the United States — each year. These chemicals not only coat edible products, but also drift into
nearby communities. Remember to soak, then thoroughly rinse your
non-organic produce before serving. A effective non-toxic wash solution is
available at and,
A home made wash-solution…
Use a Hydrogen peroxide solution to clean non-organic vegetables. Add 2
teaspoons to 1 gallon of water. Soak leafy vegetables for 5-10 minutes, fruits
and heavier veggies for 10 -15
minutes before using or storing. Peel non-organic fruits and vegetables,
such as apples and cucumbers and discard the peel.
Peel and discard outer layers of non-organic leafy
vegetables, such as lettuce and cabbage.
Editor’s note: While pesticide free food is an obvious
win-win path to better health, clean and pure water (chlorine and fluoride
free) is just as important since up to 60% of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70% water. Your
health and longevity is within
your choices.